Hospital Innovations maintains a Quality Management System according to requirements as defined in ISO 9001:2015. Our intention to streamline our internal processes and thus continuously increase our service quality is evidenced in the form of an implemented Quality Management System. This system addresses the leadership, planning, support, operation and performance evaluation of the company’s activities.
Our Quality Manual is used internally to guide the Company’s employees through the various requirements of the ISO standard that must be met and maintained in order to ensure customer satisfaction, continuous improvement and provide the necessary instructions that create an empowered work force.
We are the largest private tissue bank in the UK; licensed by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) for the import, storage, distribution and export of human tissue and cells. Since our formation in 2008, we have successfully passed six HTA inspections.
All suppliers are rigorously vetted to ensure regulatory approval, quality certification and necessary licensing is in place. Annually, these stakeholders are audited to ensure on-going compliance and implementation.
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