PULLUP® Suspensory Fixation

Designed by renowned ACL surgeon Dr. Philippe Colombet, PULLUP® is an adjustable loop suspensory fixation device that addresses the concerns with current fixed loop and adjustable loop devices.

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PULLUP® Adjustable Suspensory Fixation

The PULLUP® suspensory fixation device offers the user confident stability, with its novel, patented locking mechanism; whilst ensuring the button is accurately and reliably seated against the cortex controlled by a secondary, positive flip suture. The utilisation of an adjustable loop device benefits the surgeon with intra-operative choice, accommodating use of the same graft independent of surgical philosophy.

  • The PULLUP® suspensory device is also available in a BTB configuration
  • The unique loop-locking system minimises graft slippage during tensioning
  • Reliable flip and accurate seating of the button against the cortex
  • An adjustable loop system allows for complete tunnel filling and optimal bone-tendon healing


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