Osteochondral Allograft Plugs

Osteochondral allograft plugs are pre-cut to reduce theatre time and contain viable chondrocytes to treat small osteochondral defects.

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Osteochondral Allograft Plugs

Osteochondral allograft plugs provide a precise, pre-cut osteochondral allograft for the restoration of small osteochondral defects. They are composed of hyaline cartilage and an intact bony scaffold to create a durable and natural restoration of the damaged area. Osteochondral allograft plugs are aseptically processed and stored in a nutrient rich cell media to ensure chondrocyte viability. All osteochondral plugs are composed of 100% allograft and over time, will incorporate to become part of the patient’s own tissue.

  • Fresh-stored
  • Validated packaging shelf life of 45 days
  • Graft suitability determined through microbiological testing
  • Aseptically processed and preserved in X-VIVO 10™ media and antibiotics to maintain chondrocyte viability
  • Culture negative at time of release for implantation
  • Two precise sizing options


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