Osteochondral Allograft

Osteochondral allograft transplants allow for the resurfacing of large osteochondral defects (>2cm2) with mature hyaline cartilage and healthy subchondral bone in a single procedure.

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Osteochondral Allograft Transplant

Osteochondral allograft transplantation is considered an excellent option for patients with varying sizes of articular damage. Fresh-storage in a specific nutrient media removes the risk of the graft exhibiting diminished cell viability and matrix degeneration due to freezing. Allograft suitability is determined via multiple microbial cultures used to detect potential contamination. Osteochondral allografts contain viable chondrocytes as a result of strict recovery and processing; and are patient matched using relevant MRI and X-Ray scans. All osteochondral grafts are 100% allograft and over time, will incorporate to become part of the patient’s own tissue.

  • Fresh-stored
  • Validated packaging shelf life of 45 days
  • Allograft suitability determined via multiple microbial cultures
  • Allograft matching to patient size with magnification markers via X-rays and MRIs
  • Fresh osteochondral allografts are cleaned, aseptically processed in an ISO Class 5 clean room and preserved to maintain chondrocyte viability
  • Eight culture points are taken which reduce microbial contamination
  • Validated shipping configuration maintains optimal refrigerated temperature for chondrocyte viability
  • Multiple condyles available


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