The 4th Meeting of the Biological Knee Society

We are looking forward to joining the Biological Knee Society at The Belfry, Sutton Coldfield on the 1st - 2nd February 2018

The Biological Knee Society promises that this will be their best meeting yet! The main focus of this meeting is on the latest and best treatment options for articular cartilage and osteochondral grafting, with talks from some of the world's leading experts on this hot topic.

- Professor Roland Jacob, Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Berne, Switzerland
- Professor Leif Ryd, Professor of Orthopaedics, The Karolinska Institute, Sweden
- Professor Peter Behrens, Professor of Orthopaedics, Hamburg, Germany
- Professor Leela Biant, Manchester
- Professor Vladimir Bobic, The Chester Knee Clinic
- Professor Gordon McKay, Glasgow
- Professor Michael McNicholas, University Hospital, Aintree
- Mr Will Jackson, Oxford
- Dr Jennifer Woodall-May, Program Director for Advanced Osteoarthritis Therapies, Biomet/Zimmer, Warsaw, Indiana
- Advanced injection therapies for OA
- Stem cell treatment – what’s happening in Kuala Lumpa
- 25-year experience of cartilage regeneration from Switzerland
- The Episealer focal resurfacing impact for chondral/osteochondral lesions
- The biological importance of the osteochondral unit and subchondral bone
- How to improve osteochondral repair, the Hamburg experience
- Spherox: 4th-generation ACI
- An explanation of the new NICE guidelines for ACI; and what this means for us and our patients
- Multi-ligament repair and the internal brace
- BUPA/ESSKA guidelines on arthroscopy for degenerate meniscal tears
